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Chol Hamoed 2020 Style

Writer's picture: Sara YoungerSara Younger

Okayyyyy. This year ain't gonna be like ever before! But, you knew that already.

My Chol Hamoed emails & blog posts are usually filled with great research of lots of destination choices that I then narrow down to just a select few faves.

This year, I'm busy checking what's open, how reservations work, what zoom options there are for those quarantined & how many coffees it takes to get through Chol Hamoed.

So here goes Sukkos 2020 style!

Trip ideas for those who will do indoors:

1- Urban Air- Is always a favorite for my family. There really is something for everyone. Even my teens love the workout of bouncing, the dodge ball area & shooting hoops while jumping. At the moment, reservations are not required, but PLEASE check before going. Things keep changing. There are lots of hand sanitizing stations & you will need masks, but the fun factor is 100%.

2- High Exposure- Book online NOW! It's climbing & a ninja course & lots of active fun. My family loves being able to challenge ourselves & each other. ( Slots are limited to enable social distancing.)

3- American Dream is now open. The attractions look amazing... and are costly. You may want to do this one as your splurge day... or go simply to experience the new mall as a window shopper. Plus, Chickies is open now in the mall so you can stop for delicious food. (They will be having a Sukkah!)

Outdoor fun

1- Digger Land!!! I know, you are thinking this is a place for little boys... It is. And, for everyone else too! I took my 3rd-5th grade campers one year. They were sure they'd hate it... and came back begging for this to be a repeat trip. It was incredible. Tickets are $39 for the day & there is a lot to do! I'd say... just do it.

2- Turtle Back Zoo Tree Top Adventure- Is another great outdoor option. A chance to enjoy the beautiful outdoors & try something new. Don't forget the leggings!

It's also near lots of great parks so when you are done the course you can enjoy the day outdoors at one of the beautiful Essex County Parks.

3- Pick your own apples at Alstede Farms. My son brilliantly told me that grapes grow on vines, peaches come from Georgia, oranges from Cali & apples come from Chol Hamoed... Yup, it ain't really a chol Hamoed Sukkos if you didn't pick apples. You must book in advance this year, so hurry!

Zoom events/ Things to do at home... Cuz sometimes you need to be home.

1- The Brooklyn Girls Choir concert has so much frum, female talent... it makes me proud! Tickets are $29 for the family to join, so it's an affordable price for a girls' night!

2- #Sarasquad- We will be dancing it out this Chol Hamoed on both Monday & Wednesday night... and you can buy just a one time pass! Yup! You asked, and I did it. Simply click on the link to purchase a family class pass for just $10!

3- Game night (or day) Swap with a neighbor or order something new to try. Games are always fun. My family loves Chameleon we can play for a loooong time & it's great for laughs, the only downside, it's not for younger kids.

So, as we head into another unusual Yom Tov, let's find the joy in the moments we do have, embrace the reality we are given & have loads of fun.

Wishing you & your family a beautiful chag!


(Just to be fully transparent here-every place I reccomend is a place I love. I get nothing for this, except the joy of sharing special things with my #Sarasquad family. Of course, if you sign up for #Sarasquad, that helps me continue sharing all this amazing content.)


© 2022 by the #Sarasquad Team.

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